Monday, March 26, 2012

Decision Making

These last few days Ronny and I have found a few minutes here and there to do some research and talk to a few people about our latest medical oddity. We have realized that this tumor is more trouble than first thought. This little bugger is slowly leaching Ronny's bones of calcium and is pumping excess amounts of PTH hormones throughout his body. To prevent serious osteoporosis and other cancers its recommended the tumor get removed sooner rather than later. It seems that this kind of tumor usually doesn't develop until later in life so Ronny having one in his 30's is less common in a not very common disorder to begin with, hence the excitement by the endocrinologist. Surprise, we win the prize once again! We are once again fortunate to have caught it now as opposed to later when it could have caused more serious problems. We'll be calling the recommended surgeon this week and scheduling an appointment.

This frequent flyer hospital plan we seem to be on is getting really old, not to mention really expensive!!! Yet, as things continue to crop up we find that we deal with each new hurdle much differently than we did just a few years or even a few months ago. We tend to laugh more about these diagnoses, which we notice tends to unnerve some and baffle others. The humor gets us through the time we are convincing our bodies the adrenaline and anxiety levels shooting through us needs to calm down. We are grateful to have had time to stop, think, research, and pray for guidance ahead this time. For so long we were making huge medical decisions at warp speed that we weren't able to pray for guidance before a decision was made, our prayers were more pleas for peace that we did the right thing as it was happening.

We find ourselves overwhelmed with gratitude once again by those of you who have continued to keep our family in your prayers, helped with blessings, added our names to the temple rolls once again, and offered words of concern and encouragement. We continue to feel the Lord's love and strength as we wade through our next hurdle.


Stacey said...

so sorry friend...our prayers are continually with you.