Friday, July 22, 2011

Not Such a Great Day

Last night Ronny and I headed up to see our little boy. When we arrived we could tell something was going on as his nurse seemed a bit agitated. The nurse practitioner came in to inform us Aaron had another Grade 4 A&B just after I had left that afternoon. She ordered a CBC and the results came back mixed. Another CBC was ordered for 3 a.m. and the results were off again. The n.p. called us at 5:00 am this morning to tell us another septic work-up was ordered and showed his white cells were elevated. A urine analysis was also done that showed odd results. A renal x-ray was ordered, and then a KUB (gut x-ray) was ordered, and then a chest film was ordered as each showed troubling signs that precipitated the next x-ray. The doctors feel he has an infection, most likely a UTI or NEC. His KUB showed a possible blockage. Aaron's chest x-ray showed fluid on his right side and lungs that were having trouble. A blood gas was then done that showed he was starting acidosis. Antibiotics have been ordered, his feedings stopped, x-rays ordered every 6 hours, and he was moved from his high-flow to a c-pap. He is doing well on the c-pap and his oxygen levels are finally coming down with the higher pressure it gives. His x-ray this afternoon showed the blockage still had not moved. He will have two more x-rays tonight and if nothing changes the surgeons will be called in and he will be moved over to Primary Children's Hospital for surgery. Once he is moved he will most likely stay.

For the past few days I have been questioning both the doctor and the n.p. about Aaron's oxygen levels. I have told them that I was troubled they had not come down since the transfusion and change in medications. I was told repeatedly that things were o.k. and that it would take some time. I told them it had been over a week and still no results. Today after all his labs and x-rays Aaron's neonatologist came in to see me. He apologized for not taking my concerns more seriously and said he would do better. He said he thinks they caught the problem early, whatever that problem turns out to be. I told him I appreciated his apology and concern but that I expected him to fix it now. He laughed. I hope it gets better soon!


Sant Family said...

Poor little dude wasn't chillin - he was getting sick. Chalk another BIG point up for Mother's Intuition! I'm glad you didn't let the Dr. off the hook. Hopefully in the future they will take you more seriously. Prayers for Aaron ....

Cindy Lou said...

I'm sorry baby that you aren't feeling well, get better. Extra prayers and virtual hugs.